A Lamp to Our Feet (A Deeper Dive into Scripture)
Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Years ago, we took a vacation to Mammoth Caves in Kentucky. During a tour of the largest cave, they turned the lights out to experience total darkness. To this day, I can remember how that made me feel. My senses were diminished and heightened all at the same time. I remember feeling empty and lost very quickly. My family was right beside me, but I felt they were so far away and I needed to touch them, maybe to reassure myself I was not alone. The temperature of course had not changed, but I felt colder. We were told to stand still for safety because the terrain was not smooth, and you could have easily stumbled. My sense of direction quickly became distorted, so I had nothing to give me any indication of the right way to get out. Because we were in a cave, sounds bounced from one wall to another, and it was diffic...