A Lamp to Our Feet (A Deeper Dive into Scripture)

Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light to my path.

Years ago, we took a vacation to Mammoth Caves in Kentucky.   During a tour of the largest cave, they turned the lights out to experience total darkness.  To this day, I can remember how that made me feel.   My senses were diminished and heightened all at the same time.   I remember feeling empty and lost very quickly.  My family was right beside me, but I felt they were so far away and I needed to touch them, maybe to reassure myself I was not alone.  The temperature of course had not changed, but I felt colder.  We were told to stand still for safety because the terrain was not smooth, and you could have easily stumbled.  My sense of direction quickly became distorted, so I had nothing to give me any indication of the right way to get out.    Because we were in a cave, sounds bounced from one wall to another, and it was difficult to tell from what direction it came, so sound was not necessarily helpful in guidance.  Had we remained in that darkness for long, I know my insecurities and fear would have grown.        

I think about that experience when I think of the dark times in my life.  Times when trials became overwhelming and I felt fearful or out of control.  I had no direction nor did I know where to start to make things better.  This verse gives us hope when life gets this way, actually it gives us hope every day.   The psalmist mentions a lamp and a light because we need both.  The lamp is the source of light.  Without it, a light cannot exist.   This verse declares God to be that source. A trustworthy source that is always dependable and reliable. The essence of His being is pure truth, so everything that comes from Him comes in truth.  We do not have to question His words as if they come from an unreliable source.  Everything He does and says originates from His goodness, His love, His all-knowing wisdom.  There is no way He can give us anything less.  It is that source that gives us light.  A light to illuminate our path and brighten our world.  A light to calm our fears and insecurities and give us comfort.  His light guides us and sends us in the right direction to keep us from stumbling. 

The lamp of God is always on and always shining brightly.  It is not a lamp that is turned on and off, nor is it a light that will burn out.  It is always illuminated for us to receive from Him anything we may need, and a light that shines anywhere.  We can never be in a place in our life that we cannot receive it and receive it in abundance.  God does not hoard what He has and when we ask, He will lovingly share all He has that we need. 

I looked up the Hebrew definitions for this verse and one thing stuck out to me.  The Hebrew for feet includes in its definition, “to be able to endure, follow, journey”.   (Strong’s Concordance.)

He is all we need to endure this journey we are on.  God’s word is the source of all that is true and helpful.  God’s word is the light that passes that truth to us.  Be still and Know that I am God.  Stay connected and follow His light. 

2 Samuel 22:29
You Lord, are my lamp,
The Lord turns my darkness into light.

Psalm 119:130
The unfolding of your words gives light,
It gives understanding to the simple.

Isaiah 60:19
…For the Lord will be your everlasting light,
And your God will be your glory.


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