Power of The Word

I’ve recently heard more talk about the trend of adopting a “word of the year,” and I am encouraged by the motivation to better ourselves.   Words I have heard recently are Confidence and Persevere.   As I have been thinking about this idea and these words, I heard God say:

“What power does a word have?  Where does the power come from in a word that will enable you to make a life changing transformation?”  From the word alone the power comes from ourselves, our own strength and our own will.  The problem is, by ourselves, we are under the influence of an everchanging world.  So the strength we use to make a change varies depending on the circumstances of our day.  We are governed by what we allow to influence us. If we allow that influence to come from the world, then we are faced with trying to maintain a certain standard within ourselves, no matter what is happening around us.    We are left to our own devices to find the strength within us to maintain a personal transformation.  Unfortunately, that strength within us is not consistent.  It lacks the stamina to provide us with a constant source of influence strong enough to consistently control ourselves through all circumstances.   That word gives us nothing to make a permanent transformation in who we are. 

However, we can choose “The Word.”  Christ, the Son of God through whom all things were created.  (Colossians 1:16).  He is the one with the power to create a life lasting change in us by transforming us into His image.  (2Corinthians 3:18).   His power is consistent and constant, not dependent or influenced by anything other than God.  His power is always available and always sufficient for our needs.  
John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word,
And the Word was with God
And the Word was God

I was curious about the meaning of “The Word” and why John choose that title as a name for Christ.  I found the Greeks used this term in reference to the governing power behind all things.  The Jews used it as a term to refer to God.  When I looked into the definition, I got a clearer picture of Jesus as “The Word.” 

The Greek word for Word is logos and can be broken down into two root words:

Logos endiathetos meaning conceived or thought
Logos prophorikos meaning uttered

Logos endathetos is the act of forming a thought or idea that directs our actions.  Everything originates from our thoughts.  If we are forming our thoughts based on the influence of the world then our actions will follow the thoughts of the world.  Christ’s thoughts are based on eternal wisdom of God so His actions and words are influenced by God and His pure truth.

Logos prophorikos is thoughts spoken.  When Christ speaks, He speaks to us to make known the thoughts of God.  When we speak on our own, we make known our thoughts.  Christ is “The Word” speaking to us from God.  When we listen and hear Christ's words, we gain understanding and insight into the heart of God.  We then adopt His thoughts to determine our thoughts, and set a Godly reflection for our speech and actions. 
So, what are we going to seek to influence us this year…a word that is limiting, unsustaining and unpowerful or “The Word”, Christ Jesus...  Choosing a word for the year is a great idea to help keep us focused on change, but remember to seek that word through Christ.  How?

1) Do a biblical word search of your word and memorize scripture containing that word.
2) Seek understanding of that word through study of the scriptures.  Search for how Christ used that        word or ideas related to that word.   How did biblical characters depend on that word?
3) Pray for the power of God to come through that word to give you the strength, perseverance and     understanding for a Godly transformation. 
4) Ask God for direction through that word.

John 1:1 gives claim to Christ’s eternal existence. He is fully God.  John 1:14, "and the Word became flesh," speaks to the condition in which He came to us.  He did not come with half truth, half wisdom.  He came to us fully God, full of pure truth and wisdom.  He uses that full truth and wisdom to teach us to think like Him and to give us the power to be transformed by pure, holy, God-glorifying thoughts, speech and actions.  When we allow Christ, “The Word” to be the power behind our word, that’s when we make a life changing transformation.  

Be Still and Know that I Am God         
Psalm 46:10


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