Sustaining Joy

Psalm 16:11
You make known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Yesterday, during the sermon, Carol Zepf defined joy in relation to happiness. She defined happiness as having to do with what you are experiencing in the moment. It is an emotion you feel when you receive a gift, hear good news, or discover there is one more piece of your favorite chocolate. Happiness is always contingent on your circumstances. Seeking happiness based on circumstances can lead us to a life of always wanting. If I had a new car, I’d be happy. If I had a better job, I’d be happy. It leads us into a life of always searching for that one thing we think will make us happy, but that one thing does not sustain our happiness and we are left, again searching over and over.

In the same as happiness that joy is an emotion, the difference is joy is an internal, longer lasting emotion, as Carol Zepf noted.   It is sustained by a source of pleasure and delight that is always constant, always present and given in abundance. There is one source of sustaining joy and it is not material things that may break, or relationships that disappoint, or a perfect job that may demand too much. The source of joy present despite your circumstances comes from Jesus. “You make known to me the path of life; you fill me with joy in your presence.” (Psalm 16:11).  Joy comes from Christ and is sustained in us through a relationship with Him.   In 1Peter 1:9 says “though you do not now see him you believe in Him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory.” In this scripture Peter is talking to persecuted Christians, who were scattered away from their homes. Their property and processions had been taken, yet their joy remained because it was rooted in the love and understanding they had for Jesus. They understood He was the source of all joy and no matter what their daily worldly circumstances were, their joy could not be taken away because nothing can take Christ from us.    

Can disappointment take our joy? No, because even though our plan may not work, God’s plan will.

Can a broken relationship take our joy? No, because God will never leave or forsake us.

Can a loss of a job take our joy? No, because God will provide our daily needs.

Can sickness take our joy? No, because God promises he will heal us, either this side of heaven or the other.

Nothing can take our joy because nothing can take Jesus away from us. He is the source that fills us with an inexpressible joy. Not feeling joyful today? Change your focus and look to Jesus. Give your worldly circumstances to Him. Praise Him, thank Him and keep His promises as your focus. Ask Him to show you His joy despite your circumstances then open your eyes to receive what He has in store for you. He loves you so much more than I can begin to express and has an abundance of joy waiting for you. 

Grace and Peace,

LeAnn Jones                                                                         


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