Be Still
Psalm 46:10
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
If you were at our Ladies Night Out on Tuesday you had the treat of hearing Dorcas speak to us about being present in our daily lives and not allowing the business to consume our attention. She spoke as a reminder for us to be present to ourselves, be present to others but most importantly be present with God. She gave us Psalm 46:10 and challenged us to spend ten minutes a day with our full attention centered on Him, to spend time with Him, listen to His words and absorb what He will give us to face our day.
God says – Be Still and know that I am God. God tells us to be still. It’s a command to us from Him given out of love, for He knows what is best for us. Still means to remain at rest, free from sound or noise, free from turbulence or commotion, peaceful, tranquil, calm. In this day and age in constant distraction from people, daily demands, social media, and responsibilities, it’s hard to be still and give your full attention. This command from God requires effort on our part to be obedient. It requires us to be intentional, to block out what is not of Him by setting time aside to be still, eliminate distraction and allow Him to be the center of our thoughts and attention.
And Know that I AM God – this signifies a person’s relationship to God. To know someone means you understand them, who they are and what they are about. You are able to perceive the meaning behind their words, their actions.
To Know God means:
We know He is truth
We are aware of His presence, His actions, His comfort, His mercy, His love.
We have personal knowledge of Him because we study His word, listen to Him and spend time with Him.
We have experiences with Him that build our relationship and give us understanding of who He is, what He will do in our lives and a growing trust that all He does comes from love.
We are able to distinguish Him from other voices in our lives so we know confidently which to follow.
Be Still and Know that I am God – this seems impossible sometimes when daily demands are overwhelming. But I have learned over the years sitting with Him gives me what I need for the day whether that be strength, peace, calm, wisdom, confidence or maybe just the knowledge that I am loved. Sitting still and learning to know God directs my day to His way, His path.
Proverbs 3:6
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 4:11
I instruct you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths.
I know all too well the road of destruction I can find myself on when I decide to make my own path. His path is a one way street to the hope we have in the resurrection of Christ and our salvation. He will give us daily confidence in his power, guidance and His gracious presence. If we sit still with Him, He makes our paths straight through His wisdom to instruct us, guide us and give us what we need for each day. I hope you will take time to spend with Him. I hope you will grow to know Him more and allow His love to be the perfect presence in you, through you and from you. I hope you will find 10 minutes in your day to Be Still and Know that I Am God
Peace and love,
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