Lent Day 25

2Timothy 3:16-17

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking,
correcting and training in righteousness,
so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped
for every good work.

I’ve read these verses many times, but this morning I noticed for the first time the S in Scripture is capitalized.  I do not remember all the grammatical rules of capitalization so maybe there is a reason, but it emphasized to me, Scripture is important.  Important enough to deserve a capital letter.  It deserves respect and our full attention.  It is something that stands out to be noticed.  Something that is above all else. It is precious.  It is not something to be read occasionally or haphazardly, but something to read, study, absorb, and apply in our lives, as the only standard for faith and action.     It is the basis of truth.  It is our guide to everything we need to know for living and dying, for in these words are God, our provider, full of love, grace and mercy; Jesus, our redeemer, the one that payed the price for our sin and lead the way for our salvation; and the Holy Spirit, the one that is within us now as believers.  There is nothing more important to study and know.  It is deserving of a capital letter. 

All Scripture is God-breathed.  The Greek word for God-breathed is Theopneustos and is only used in this verse.  This word does not occur in any other Greek text prior to this letter. (ESV footnote)  I take this to mean there had never been an occasion before that this the word would be appropriate for.   It is specific to this verse and means prompted by God, given by divine inspiration, breathed out by God. (Key word study bible).  It stresses the divine origin and authority of Scripture.  Because of its divine origin, it has the power to convert us to believers through the knowledge of truth.  It is the authority for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.  It is the standard for truth and how God teaches and equips us to live for Him. 

The purpose of Scripture is to lead us to be a servant of God, thoroughly equipped for every good work.  Our knowledge of God is intended to strengthen us, strengthen our faith and lead us to do good works, every good work. Scripture is sufficient to lead us in all God asks us to do.  We do not need to turn anywhere else to find our way.  The answers we need for all good works are God-breathed, in Scripture.

Are you living out the authority of Scripture in your life?  Are you spending time in His word?  All we need is right there.


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