Lent Day 20

Psalm 121
lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel
both now and forevermore.

This is a beautiful psalm written anonymously that gives us confidence in God to protect us

Lift up (Hebrew Nasa) to raise(the face, eyes, voice or soul).  Lift up your face meant to be able to look someone straight in the eyes with a clear conscience or anticipate that things would go well.  To lift up your eyes meant to investigate.

Maker (Hebrew Asah) create, prepare, to create out of nothing

Watches over (Hebrew Samar) to keep, guard, a promise, it expresses careful attention paid to the obligations of a convenant.

Shade (Hebrew Salal) indicates shelter and protection from adversity

Hand (Hebrew Yad) power, strength, assistance

This psalm encourages us to have confidence in the authority of God and allow ourselves to receive the protection He provides and commit ourselves to His loving care.  When we need help, we can lift up our eyes and know our help comes from God, the one that is so powerful He can create something out of nothing.  He will not let us slip, but rather brings joy to our soul (Psalm 94:19).  He is a God that protects us constantly for He never sleeps, he never dozes.  He is never in a state that He would neglect us. 

He watches over us, guards us day and night with His power and strength, the same power and strength that created the earth, because He loves us and He has made a promise to us to do so, and God never goes back on a promise. (Numbers 23:19)

2 things to learn from this Psalm
1)            God is our helper and we must look to Him for His power and strength.  For if He is the only Helper we need and when He does help, no one can hinder. 
2)            When our struggles are great, find comfort in God.  This psalm promises us that if we trust in Him and keep in His way, we are under His protection so that no trial will become too great, no evil will prevail but rather only the goodness God knows is right for us.  Find comfort in your struggles that God is working in your life to bring you closer to Him and to give you a life filled with greater peace and love. 

Grace and Peace,



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