Lent Day 16

Psalm 94:18-19
I cried out, “I am slipping!”
But your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me
When doubts filled my mind,
Your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.

I love this verse when I am struggling, feeling overwhelmed and need comfort and assurance there is a way to get through what I am facing.   Life can be hard and full of challenges but this verse gives me hope that my loving God is there to give me hope and cheer.

Love in this verse refers to being merciful and faithful.  It’s love in action for kindness, love and mercy, rather than just words.   This kind of love is central to God’s character.  It is not dependent on our actions.  His love is always there for us, waiting for us to receive it.  But the important thing to understand is that it is love in action.  When scripture reads “But your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me”, it means God is actively working to support us when we cry out to Him.   He doesn’t sit by passively and wait for us to get over what is ailing us, He works actively through His love, His mercy and kindness to sustain and uphold us.   This love of God’s is unfailing.   He does not withhold it from us, nor does it ever fail to meet His promise of supporting us.  

When our thoughts are heavy, when we hurt in the inner most part of ourselves and know no way on our own to get relief of that pain, God is there.  He is there to comfort us with a comfort that delights our souls and there is nothing better when you are struggling then to have God step in and quiet our thoughts, keep our minds at ease and relieve the pain in our hearts.   We can turn to the world for comfort, but the world cannot satisfy the deep personal needs we have in our souls like God can.   Remember God knows our hearts, He knows our thoughts even when we cannot express them clearly ourselves.  So when we are struggling He knows exactly what our needs are and can give those to us to bring hope and cheer. 

God is not a passive God.   He wants to step into our lives, love us and comfort us.  Oh, to have the love of God step in and relieve the burdens of this world that are on my heart.  Cry out to Him and watch for His love. 

Grace and Peace,



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